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Bouddha et le Bouddhisme 3.2 MOD APK for Android

Bouddha et le Bouddhisme
Version 3.2
Updated on February 26, 2025
Category Educational Learning
Size 12.96MB


Buddhism and Its Currents Through Hundreds of Quotes and Poems

Free and without PUB! All quotes and poems www.onelittlengel.com in one application.

All the Mystical Teachings and Wisdom of the Buddhist Religion and its Currents (Madhyamaka, Yogacara, Tantic, Zen, Theravada)

The Great Sacred Books of Buddhism:

Advaya Vajra, Anangavajra, Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita, Avatamsaka Sutra, Divers Sutras, Kalacakratantra, Khuddaka Nikaya, Milandapanha, Lankavatara Sutra, Sahasrika Prajnaparamita, Perfect Enlightenment Sutra, Vinaya Pitaka, Zenrin Kushu, etc.

Great Buddhist Mystics:

Asanga Buddha Brug-Pa Kun_legs, Candrakirti, Chen-Hoi of Ho-TSO, Chogyam Trungpa, The Dalai Lama, Dogen, Genpo Sensei, Gudo Nishima Roshi, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, HSUAN Kambala, Kanha, Kumarajiva, Lin-Chi, Milarepa, Nagarjuna, Suzuki Roshi, Yamada Roshi, Santideva, Santideva, Shantideva, Suuki, Deshimaru, Vasubandhu, Vimalakirti, Wu-Men, etc.

Compare Buddhist Mysticism With The Other Great Religions Of The World On More Than 100

- The absolute

- The Mystical Ways,

- Spiritual practices

- Karma

- Death

- etc.

And for your dining pleasure reading:

- Add Optional Other Religions

- Change the font size

- Change Your Character Cast

- Add to your Favorites

- SEND quotes by email

- Listen to the music player quotes

- etc.

What's New in the Latest Version 3.2

Last updated on Nov 3, 2024 Une version débuggée et plus complète avec pour nouveautés:
- L'NCyclopédie Des Religions (Histoire et Dogmes)
- Portraits et biographie de saints, prophètes, philosophes et mystiques de toutes les religions du monde.
- Citation, biographie et portrait du jour