Home/ Apps/ Business Office/ DobList Demo

DobList Demo 1.0 MOD APK for Android

DobList Demo
Version 1.0
Updated on December 13, 2024
Category Business Office
Size 759.75KB


DobList Demo

Any Android developer needs Endless ListView, and needs progress dialog to be shown in the middle of his own ListView at first loading data, so he will write the code line by line or use a custom ListView to get some features and lost his own ListView.

What about getting desired features with your own ListView and its derivatives!

DobLis is an Open Source Android library that provides to ListView adding ProgressBar (or any view) to the footer of ListView to be shown in loading more, and callback that is called when reaching last item in ListView.

You can find the library itself on GitHub (https://github.com/bilalsammour/DobList).