Post Via 1.0.74 MOD APK for Android

Post Via
Version 1.0.74
Updated on January 29, 2025
Category Newsletter Social
Size 461.65KB


Post messages to facebook with a custom "via" item at the end.

Post messages to your facebook wall or to your facebook friends with a custom "via" item at the end. Now you can post from anything, choose from over 500 options or create your own. Post from "ice cream sandwich", "A horse", "Droid", "Gotham city", "Hackintosh", "Lamp", "Mystery Machine", "Nokia 3310", "Paper Airplane" or many many more.

You can create your own but please read the instructions on how to do this in the app. If you have problems creating them, email me at [email protected] for help.

Previously called facebookvia

What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.74

Last updated on Sep 28, 2015 V 0.75
-Fixed crashes occurring on devices running JellyBean

V 0.74

-fixed issue with classes not being linked correctly causing force closes

V 0.73

-fixed issue causing force close on classNotFound exception for some devices

v 0.71
-fixed network error on that was causing force closes on ICS devices (and possibly others.)

v 0.70
-Refiggled database handling to fix some force close issues.

-Fixed some dialog box handling.