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Real Time Wind FREE 2.3 MOD APK for Android

Real Time Wind FREE
Version 2.3
Updated on December 16, 2024
Category Practical Tools
Size 5.16MB


Real time meteo data as wind, humidity, pressure, temperature and webcams.

App to have readings of real time meteo data as wind, humidity, pressure, temperature and webcams.

Perfect for outdoor sports like Surf, Kitesurf, Windsurf, Paragliding and much more!!!

It gains data from more than 300 stations around the Italian ground so if you are a tourist here and want some action, this is the app for you!

There are also the following networks:

- Military Aeronautics http://www.meteoam.it (forecast)

- Consorzio LaMMA http://www.lamma.rete.toscana.it (forecasts)

- Civil Protection of Friuli Venezia Giulia http://protezionecivile.fvg.it

- Meteo Isernia http://www.meteoisernia.net

- Sardegna Clima http://www.sardegna-clima.it

If you find a station (or webcam) and want it added just contact me and I will add it as soon as possible, also if you find some bug in the application just let me know at my email ([email protected]).

Updates frequency do not depend on the application but on the station owner.

There is also a paid version, if you like this app you may consider to buy the PRO version: it allows you to add as many station as you want in the favourite list and of course it removes the advertisings. It has the possibility to add WIDGETS of your favourite stations to your Smartphone desktop and it allows you to set alarms on your stations (when the wind matches your conditions you will receive a notification).

What's New in the Latest Version 2.3

Last updated on Jul 24, 2015 Sistemate stazioni non funzionanti e bugfix vari.