Accueil/ jeu/ Puzzle/ Word Crush-Brain Search Themes

Word Crush-Brain Search Themes 1.1 MOD APK for Android

Word Crush-Brain Search Themes
Version 1.1
Date de mise à jour March 6, 2025
Catégorie Puzzle
Taille 15.96MB


Enroll in Word Crush to unlock hundreds of grids made up of different words.


Word Crush est une recherche de mots, un puzzle et un jeu de taquinerie de cerveau de randonnée, Word Crush est un jeu addictif avec des combinaisons de mots alphabétiques qui garderont votre esprit occupé et engagé, dans ce merveilleux jeu de puzzle de mots, trouvera des mots cachés, commençons ce grand jeu de puzzle de randonnée Word Crush.

Word Crush is words brain teaser game, test your vocabulary, solve the words puzzle and test your puzzle and words solving skills,

Don't panic, stay cool, app lets your brain work smart and you can learn new words and spellings as well. Don't be a lazy hangman, try hard you can make the words, arrange the unscrambled words

and play the scrabble word Crush search game. Word Crush, un jeu de puzzle de recherche de mots est le meilleur jeu de mots pour tout-petit, les élèves de première année, les jardins d'enfants et c'est gratuit pour les téléphones et tablettes Android.

Le jeu est 100% gratuit et ne contient aucun achat intégré. This is a beautiful word search highscores game with new game mechanics and addicting gameplay!

Testez vos compétences dans ce jeu de puzzle de recherche de mots de randonnée de mot et trouvez les mots dans les cubes cachés, rejoignez les alphabets et faites des mots de la grille.

Choose difficulty levels ie from basic to hard. Playing word search trek word puzzle with your friends, you can play this wonderful alphabet words game online,

challenge your friends and beat them with high scores and gain points and achievements.

App is aimed is to charge your brains with trek puzzle words and improve your word power skills. This is actually the real challenge with word power and word brain.

It is also known as educational game.This app can help you improve your spelling. It does that by announcing the word and showing just the letters that make it.

so,An appealing student interface increases motivation and provides a variety of types of word interactions. Each activity provides immediate feedback that coaches students towards the correct answer.

Engaging lessons give students multiple exposures to each word, leading to long-term retention. Audio support provides extra scaffolding for struggling readers or English language learners.

Search and find words in many exciting puzzles,Optional hints and auto solve for hard puzzles will help you alot. Lots of puzzles to choose from including Food,Holidays,Words and Places

Stretch your brain with Difficult words,Replay to improved your score- Complete Quests to get new puzzles

Reasons to try Word Crush right now:-

- It's the perfect blend of brain teaser, word game, and puzzle!

- Word crush puzzle offers hundreds of levels, from easy to difficult!

- Get smarter and sharpen your skills in vocabulary and spelling!

- Easy to use with colorful nice graphics!


• Words can be searched in Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal & Backwards.

• Swipe your finger over the word and select it..

• Find all the words in the list to complete the level.

• Find the words faster and get the high scores and rankings.


- Search and find words in many exciting puzzles

- Optional hints and auto solve for hard puzzles

- Lots of puzzles to choose from including Food,Holidays,Words and Places

- Simple intuitive gameplay by taps or swipes;

- 4 unique game modes;

- Hints function helps to expand your vocabulary;


- Quest. Complete missions and open game bonuses for other game modes;

- Classic. This mode is for the fans of the dynamic gameplay: the more words you make, the more additional time you get;

- Go-go. Ce mode est conçu pour les personnes qui aiment jouer calmement et de manière réfléchie: essayez de trouver les mots les plus longs, effacez le plateau de jeu et jouez sans limites de temps.

- Se précipiter. Ce mode est conçu pour les ventilateurs d'adrénaline: toutes les 10 secondes, une ligne de lettres baisse et vous devez effacer le plateau de jeu à temps pour survivre le plus longtemps possible;

- Multiplayer via Game Center. Play with your friends or random players from all over the world, fill up them with words and show your skills!