Home/ Games/ Action-adventure/ AngryBots - FPS

AngryBots - FPS 1.0 MOD APK for Android

AngryBots - FPS
Version 1.0
Updated on February 21, 2025
Category Action-adventure
Size 22.16MB


A first person shooter version of the Unity3d AngryBot Game.

Yet another AngryBots game !!

This is a modified version of the popular Unity3D AngryBots Demo Game.

The original version,created to show the awesome power of the unity3d platform.(http://www.unity3d.com), was written as a third person shooter game with the camera looking down from above.

The original top down, third person view provided one way of checking out the great environment created by the Unity3d team.

My, first person version of the game provides an alternate, closer look at this environment and also, I think, a more intuitive navigation.

The original can be found at http://unity3d.com/gallery/demos/live-demos#angrybots

Anyway, the Story and GamePlay is pretty simple

You land on a facility atop an asteroid.

The facility has been taken over by robots.

You need to destroy the robots and activate a number of computer hubs.

There are three type of robots - spiders, buzzers, and mechs.

To destroy them just point and shoot.

As you move around you will notice some floors have a red line on them. If you follow the line you will find that it ends with a locked door on one side and a computer hub on the other side. To open the door follow the line to the computer hub and stand close to it for a few seconds. This would activate the computer hub and turn the redline to green. Follow the line back to the door and you will find that it will open when you get close to it.

Activating the last computer hub ends the game.


At the bottom of the screen you will find two joysticks.

Use the left joystick to move forward-backward or left-right

Use the right joystick to shoot.

Swipe your finger left right, anywhere on the screen, to turn left-right

Swipe your finger up down, anywhere on the screen, to look up-down.

Click the pause icon on the top right hand corner to pause the game and bring up the option screen.

A free web version of this game is available too.



My modified version has the following changes.

- new start scene

- new option menu with options to change difficulty level, control sensitivity and others

- a combination of first and third person camera view

- health bar over player and each enemy

- navigation

- camera collision detection

- new end scene

The game plays well on PC and Tablets.

Should play ok on newer generations phones with slightly larger resolutions (640×960 and above) screens.

Might be laggy on older phones

It was fun making this.

Hope you have fun playing this :)