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Scientific Calculator Graphiqu 2.0 MOD APK for Android

Scientific Calculator Graphiqu
バージョン 2.0
更新日 December 12, 2024
カテゴリ 教育学習
サイズ 40.79MB


Scientific Calculator helps you to do basic and advanced scientific calculations

A powerful, flexible graphing calculator .Does far more than most calculators out there.


1) Scientific Calculator : Simple to grasp and easy to use, but powerful features are available when you need them. Available functions include the following:

• the usual arithmetic functions and exponentiation.


2 )Fraction calculator

* Step-by-step operations (can be disabled)

* Arithmetic operations (+,-,*,/,÷), hold down the / key to enter ÷

* Powers of fractions

* Simplification of fractions

* Fractions with complex numbers

* Conversion of fractions to decimal numbers and vice versa

* Fractions and symbolic operations

* Simplification of whole square roots

* Two-finger zoom

3) Algebra

• Linear equations - x+1=2 -> x=1

• Quadratic equations x^2-1=0 -> x=-1,1

• Approximate root of polynomials

• Systems of linear equations, write one equation per line x1+x2=1, x1-x2=2

• Division of polynomials

• Development and factorization

• Solving one-variable inequalities, press "(" and ")" twice to enter "greater than" or "less than".

• Linear and polynomial inequalities x^3-4>4

• Inequalities with absolute values abs(2x+3)<=5

• Inequality successions 1* Rational inequalities (x+3)/(x-1)<=0

4) Graphing. Capabilities:

• Graph up to four equations at once.

• Graphs are labeled.

• You can drag the graph or pinch to zoom in or out.

• Calculator can find roots and intersections.

• Graph in polar coordinates.

• Graph parametric equations

• Can graph implicit functions, such as x^2+y^2-4=0. Most calculator apps can't do this!

5) A unit converter. With a tap, you can enter the result of your conversion into the calculator.現在、以下のさまざまな単位を変換します:加速度、角度、面積、密度、距離、エネルギー、力、質量、電力、圧力、速度、温度、時間、および体積。 Great for doing physics homework!

6)科学的計算の定数 - 光の速度、地球の表面での重力の強度など。定数をタップすると、計算に挿入されます。つまり、値にキーする必要はありません。 Again, great for doing physics homework!

5) It can make a table of the values of any function you care to enter. You can choose the starting x value of the table, as well as how much x increases for each successive row.

7) Help screens linked directly to many of the available functions and constants. Tap the disclosure arrow to see the definition.

8) Forgot the quadratic formula? Or the double-angle formulas for sine and cosine? The math/science reference hits the high points of various subjects. Currently includes algebra, differential and integral calculus, geometry, trigonometry, vectors, vector calculus, and classical mechanics.


Last updated on Dec 2, 2021 new design and new features