Início/ jogo/ Ação-aventure/ Speed Rail

Speed Rail 1.08 MOD APK for Android

Speed Rail
Versão 1.08
Data de atualização March 6, 2025
Categoria Ação-aventure
Tamanho 25.54MB


Prepare for the most ridiculous, witty, and amusing game you've ever played!

Speed Rail features:

-Fresh and clean gameplay!

-Genius control system!

-100% Free To Play!

-No Ads!

Wanna give us feedback or ask us questions? Email us at [email protected]

We listen to all the feedback we get, and we are more than happy to assist you if you have any issues!


-Touch left/right part of the screen to maneuver. Avoid falling to far to either of the sides.

Imagine railing on your kick scooter a thousand feet in the air in velocities close to the speed of light! You won't get a chance to do that often in real life, but don't despair! Speed Rail will give you that experience for free! With no ads!

So now it's up to you. Você está pronto para o desafio? Are you ready for an experience that will blow your mind more than the hurricane Irene? Espero que sim! Cause there's medals to be won. Bronze, silver, gold, you name it! How far can you rail? Will you get the highest score among your friends? Only time will tell.

This game is part of the Juicehead Mini Games. Download Juicehead here:

Also check out Fish Fights:

“If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough.” -Mario Andretti

“If one day the speed kills me, do not cry because I was smiling.” -Paul Walker

“The fastest I've ever fallen in love is 17 miles per hour." -Jarod Kintz

“...I love to drive fast. It's a rush.” -Stephen Few,

"I have one speed, I have one gear: go!" -Charlie Sheen

"I love speed. I love racing cars, whether it's on the streets or wherever. Don't tell the St. Louis police, though." -Nelly

"Speed provides the one genuinely modern pleasure." -Aldous Huxley

"If I had to name the number one asset you could have for any sport I'd say speed. In baseball, all a guy with speed has to do is make contact." -Ron Fairly

"I don't need to break the speed limit. But if I'm not passing other vehicles on the interstate, I get a little irritated." -Jimmie Johnson

"Adoro dirigir rápido. Eu cresci na Alemanha; temos o Autobahn aqui, onde podemos dirigir sem um limite de velocidade. E ao longo dos meus 20 anos, eu sempre tive carros velozes e sempre fui ao máximo. Como, minha velocidade média de cruzeiro era de 250 km/h." -Kim Dotcom

"Eu amo muitas mudanças de alta velocidade, virar para onde você precisa se esforçar, forçar -se a ir rápido. Depois, há algo dizendo ao seu pé para se afastar, porque é muito rápido, e é impressionante quando você tem esse sentimento e apenas dirige". -Jacques Villeneuve

"Quando estou para trás e estou olhando para o futuro e há essa linha na sua frente, daquele cara, de ganhar e perder, então eu realmente a pego e correndo grandes riscos para acelerar, e então sou muito bom em passar". -Nate Holland

"My speed is my greatest asset." -Peter Bondra

“Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary… that's what gets you.” -Jeremy Clarkson

"Speed is a great asset; but it's greater when it's combined with quickness - and there's a big difference. -Ty Cobb.

“Faster, Faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death.” -Hunter S. Thompson

"Speed, that is what is important." -Glen Gould

"Speed defines everything." -Noname

"I feel the need... The need for speed." -Top Gun

"Yes officer, I did see the speed limit sign. I just didn't see you." -Anônimo

"The world's magnificence has been enriched by a new beatuy: the beauty of speed." -Filippo Tommaso Marinetti

"The universe likes speed. Don't delay, don't second-guess, don't doubt." -The secret

"When speed gets in the blood, one must drive to live." -Rudolf Caracciola

"I love speed and auto racing is an old passion. I think I have made the right choice." -Kristian Ghedina

"Speed eliminates all doubt." -David Sedaris

"I'm sorry officer, but I can't stop speeding. The earth is spinning way over the speed limit in this zone." -Desconhecido