Revision App All Subjects 21.0 MOD APK for Android

Revision App All Subjects
Версия 21.0
Дата обновления February 25, 2025
Категория Образовательное обучение
Размер 80.74MB


Revision App for Secondary School Subjects

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This App contains All Notes for secondary schools in the following subjects:-

1)Kiswahili in the following topics:


-Uandishi wa Insha

-Fasihi Andishi

-Fasihi Simulizi

-Matumizi ya Lugha

2)Business Studies Form 1-4 all Topics

3)Biology Form 1-4:

I. Introduction to Biology

II Classification 1

Iii. Ячейка

IV Cell Physiology

V. Nutrition in Plants and Animals

VI Transport in Plants and Animals

VII. Дыхание

VIII. Gaseous Exchange in Plants and Animals

IX. Excretion and Homeostasis

X. Classification 2

XI. Экология

XII. Reproduction in Plants and Animals

XIII. Growth and Development in Plants and Animals

XIV. Genetics

XV. Эволюция

XVI. Reception and Response in Plants and Animals

XVII. Support and Movement in Plants and Animals

4)Geography Form 1-4:

I. Introduction to Geography

II The Earth and the Solar System

Iii. Погода

IV Статистика

V. Field Work

VI Minerals and Rocks

VII. Добыча

VIII. Internal Land Forming Processes

IX. Vulcanicity

X. Earth Quakes

XI. Map Work

XII. Photograph Work

XIII. Climate

XIV. Vegetation

XV. Forestry

XVI. Статистика

XVII. Map Work

XVIII. External Land Forming Processes

XIX. Mass Wasting

XX. Action of Rivers

XXI. Озера

XXII. Oceans, Seas and their Coasts

XXIII. Action of Wind and Water in Arid Areas

XXIV. Underground Water

XXV. Glaciation

XXVI. Земля

XXVII. Сельское хозяйство

XXVIII. Land Reclamation

XXIX. Рыбалка

XXX. WildLife and Tourism

XXXI. Энергия

XXXII. Industrialization

XXXIII. Transport and Communication

XXXIV. Торговля

XXXV. Население

XXXVI. Urbanization

XXXVII. Management and Conservation of the Environment

5)History and Government form 1-4:

I. Introduction to History and Government

II Ранний человек

Iii. The People of Kenya up to the 19th Century

IV Socio-Economic and Political Organization of Kenyan Communities in the 19th Century

V. Contacts between East Africa and the Outside World up to the 19th Century

VI Citizenship

VII. National Integration

VIII. Торговля

IX. Транспорт

X. Industrialization

XI. Urbanization

XII. Organization of African Societies up to the 19th Century

XIII. Constitution and Constitution Making

XIV. Democracy and Human Rights

XV. European Invasion and the Process of Colonization of Africa

XVI. Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

XVII. Colonial Administration

XVIII. Social and Economic Developments During the Colonial Period in Kenya

XIX. Political Developments and Struggle for Independence in Kenya (1919–1963)

XX. Emergence and Growth of Nationalism in Africa

XXI. Lives and Contributions of Kenyan Leaders

XXII. The Formation, Structure and Functions of the Government of Kenya

6) English Grammar

I. Nouns

II Местоимение

Iii. Verbs

IV Adjectives

V. Adverbs

VI Prepositions

VII. Conjunctions and Interjections

VIII. Phrases and Sentences

IX. Punctuation

7)Chemistry Form 1-4

I. Introduction to Chemistry

II Classification of Substances

Iii. Acids, Bases and Indicators

IV Air and Combustion, Water and Hydrogen

V. Structure of the Atom/The Periodic Table

VI Chemical Families

VII. Structure and Bonding

VIII. Introduction to Salts

IX. Electrolysis (Effect of Current)

X. Carbon and its Compounds

XI. Gas Laws

XII. The Mole

XIII. Organic Chemistry 1

XIV. Nitrogen and its Compounds

XV. Sulphur and its Compounds

XVI. Chlorine and its Compounds

8)Physics Form 1-4 All Topics

9)Business Studies Form 1-4 All Topics

10)CRE Form 1-4 All Topics

11)Agriculture Physics Form 1-4 All Topics