RTO Driving Licence Test - Fre 4.4 MOD APK for Android

RTO Driving Licence Test - Fre
Версия 4.4
Дата обновления December 23, 2024
Категория Образовательное обучение
Размер 32.02MB


Free RTO Driving Licence Test app helps for preparation for RTO exam in India.

Приложение для испытаний на водительские права RTO очень полезно для получения водительских прав от RTO (Региональное транспортное отделение) во всех районах штатов Индии. This free RTO exam app works well in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Dadra, and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Лакшадвип, Мадхья -Прадеш, Махараштра, Манипур, Мегхалайя, Мизорам, Нагаленд, Одиша, Пудучерри, Пенджаб, Раджастхан, Сикким, Тамилнаду, Телангана, Трипура, Уттар Прадеш, Уттаракханд и Западная Бенгальские штаты Индии. All learners must have to pass through theory exam taken by their regional office. This RTO exam app in English, हिंदी - Hindi, मराठी - Marathi and ગુજરાતી - Gujarati languages.

Мы создали это бесплатное приложение RTO подготовки к экзаменам для легкого автомобиля (LMV) и учащегося с тяжелыми автомобилями (HMV) может сдать экзамены на знаки о практических сигналах, правила индийского движения и правила, которые действительны во всех городах Индии.

What About This RTO Exam App?

Question Bank

Questions & Answers: The far-reaching rundown of questions and their answers as gave by RTO (Regional Transport Office) division.

Road Signals: Get the traffic and road signs with full of information.

Practice Test

Нет ограничений во времени: как только вы выучите индийские правила трафика и просмотрите все вопросы, вы можете начать практику без ограничений по времени.


Time Limit Test: Like real RTO Exam! Face the random questions mixed with road signs asked in this exam. Time limit to clear exam same like RTO department exams for all states.

Test Result: Get result with correct answers at the end of the test.

Review Question: Review question by tapping on the Flag button.

Leave Questions: You may leave questions without any answer and attend after going through all the questions.

Настройки приложения

Language Selection: Select the language as per your states. This RTO app supports English, हिंदी - Hindi, मराठी - Marathi and ગુજરાતી - Gujarati languages.

Auto next: You may set auto next option ON/OFF.

Number of the question to show: You may set the number of question to increase and decrease the exam complexity in moke test and practice mode.

Duration of mock test: You can change the time limit for increase decrease exam complexity.

Show correct answers: You may select option ON to show correct answers while exam ongoing.

Update questions and options: One click and hassle-free updates questions and answers.

Clear test results & practice results: One click to clear all test results reform like the newly installed app.

Help: Just click on Help button to explore all features and setting information any time.

What is RTO Exam App Features?

- Stay updated with new questions by push notifications.

- This application works without the Internet.

- Supports Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, English languages.

- Practice learning mode and quiz test mode.

- Progress graph based on last 5 results.

- Automatically move to next questions.

- Swipe left for previous and right side to load next question.

- Ability to filter your result of the test based on the flagged question, correct answer, wrong answer.

- Reset your score and start over as the freshly installed app.

- Explored 1500+ questions and answers.

- Works well on all Android mobile phones.

- Smart synchronization questions and answers.

- Report wrong question or answers by email.

Good Luck with your RTO driving license exam with full confidence.

Know more about us at https://satvasolutions.com.

Don't forget to Rate/Comment & Share!

Let's Help to Secure Indians: We appreciates your suggestions and if occurred any errors while accessing this RTO app.

Предстоящие функции:

Языковая поддержка для ಕನ್ನಡ - Каннада, தமிழ் - тамильский, മലയാളം - малаялам, ଓଡିଆ - Одиа и বাংলা - Бангла.

Что нового в последней версии 4.4

Last updated on Aug 16, 2021 latest database url