Study Tips v2 MOD APK for Android

Study Tips
Version v2
Updated on February 13, 2025
Category Educational Learning
Size 11.58MB


A Study Tip a Day Get's You an "A"

Regardless of how intelligent or mature they may be, most students seeking academic success are, at some point, plagued by doubts and obstacles. Everyone can describe their greatest fears or worst test-taking experiences. For example, fears include: “I open the exam and have no idea what the question is asking for,” “I didn’t study something enough and it is half the test,” or “I’m falling so far behind that there is no hope of catching up.” Obstacles that students describe include being disorganized, procrastinating, struggling with perfectionism, getting easily distracted, becoming a constant “worry-wart,” having problems memorizing, blanking-out during tests, and running out of time to complete their answers.

Throughout a semester, students need easy-to-use but powerful tips to complete assignments, perform well on tests, and submit papers or projects on time. Moreover, when the pressure is on and students are stressed and fatigued, they need to reach out and find a tip that can help them focus and learn. A Study Tip a Day Gets You an “A” provides the needed help. The 365 tips and quotes are based on decades of research in the fields of education and psychology and on field tests with a broad spectrum of students from middle school to post-graduate level, including many with attention and learning issues.

Geraldine Markel, PhD

Creator of Managing Your Mind coaching programs and seminars, Geri Markel, Ph.D. is an educational psychologist specializing in learning and performance. At the University of Michigan, Geri served as faculty in the School of Education, director of Adult and Adolescent Services at the Reading and Learning Center, seminar leader of the Instructional Design Workshop at the Executive Education Center, School of Business, and consultant at the School of Dentistry. She has special expertise in helping adults and adolescents with ADD and learning disabilities.

Co-author of several books applying behavioral research to productivity, Geri now works as a performance coach, speaker, and consultant in business, industry, healthcare, and education. Her client list includes Pfizer, Ford Motor Company, Domino’s Pizza, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Michigan State University School of Osteopathy, General Television Network, and AT&T, among others.

Professional Affiliations:

• ADHD Coaching Organization (ACO)

• National Speakers Association (NSA)

• Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)

• American Psychological Association (APA)

• Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (CHADD)

• Learning Disabilities of America (LDA)

• Association of Training and Development (ASTD)

What's New in the Latest Version v2

Last updated on Sep 18, 2015 All New Design.
New UI

Added @StudyTipaDay Twitter feed
Added social media